Faith Refined by Fire – Pentecost Rally – 19th May 2013 – Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Mumbai
With 0 Comments, Category: News, Videos,The Bombay Service team of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Mumbai organised A Rally on the Occasion of the Birthday of the Church "The Pentecost". Around 2000 people from every corner of Mumbai came together to celebrate their birthday at St. Pius X Seminary Grounds, Goregaon East. .
The beautiful praise and worship was led by Lily of the valley Prayer Group, Mira Road.
Fr. Gilbert D'Lima filled with the Spirit of God used his Charism of Preaching, which he did powerfully under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Our God is a God of Surprises, He blessed us with the sudden presence of Our Cardinal Oswald Gracias. Derick Fernandes - Chairman of the CCR in Mumbai escorted Cardinal Oswald Gracias to the stage. Cardinal Oswald shared a few words and wished the congregation Happy Birthday. Thereafter, joyfully sang along with the congregation "Happy Birthday Church" and cut the birthday cake of the Church along with Bishop Elect Dominic Savio and Fr. Roland Fiahlo - Spiritual Director of the Renewal in Mumbai.
Bishop Elect Dominic Savio celebrated the Eucharist and Bishop Elect Fr. John Rodrigues was introduced after the Eucharist.
It was a day of joy and rejoicing in the Holy Ghost.