by Mrs. Anastasia Rebello
Introduction: The Bible is filled with God’s promises. The promise verses are the fuel for believing God in prayer and living a supernatural life in a disintegrating world. God’s promises are His pledge to do or not to do something. He who promised is faithful. (Hebrew 10: 23). Answers to prayers do not come by accident, but the way for them is prepared, in part by conscious acknowledgement of God’s character and Word’s. How is this accomplished? It is not enough to be “in the Word”. The Word must be in us, so that God’s promises are being personalized and claimed. This is largely an untapped secret to answered prayers.
The term claiming the promises is however scary to some who have been possibly influenced by those who take random verses and desire to put pressure on God to give them what they want. This careless use of the Word is far from biblical standard. God has a garment, which is mine, which is at the dry cleaners. It cannot be claimed without a receipt. This RECEIPT is the claim cheque, it is the. …Promise----- His Word
Linking Scripture in our daily lives is making the Word flesh. Jeremiah 3: 33 “ Call unto me and I will answer you”. Here I would like to give you a testimony of two Americans who desired to proclaim God’s Word.
Two men went into the hills above Los Angeles to pray, for they had read Jeremiah 33:3 and wanted to see the promises fulfilled before their eyes. God has said to his faithful prophet in prison, ‘Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know’ (NKJV). How do you stake a claim on the promises of God? The two wanted to know, so they covenanted with each other to pray together every morning until they felt assured that God was going to fulfill that promise in their lives.
“Each morning at 5:00 a.m. they were up in the hills, kneeling with open Bibles before them, praying by name for the boys God had given them through their Sunday school and Boy's Club ministry. Each weekday they prayed for two hours, and then headed down again to be at work by 8:00 a.m. On Sundays they prayed for three hours before going to church.
“As the days passed they began praying for surrounding cities. In the third week they began extending their prayer interests up the West Coast. As they prayed, they soaked up the promises of God, and He gave them the faith to believe that they could be used to reach men for Christ in all 48 states. As their vision and faith grew, they bought a map of the world, putting their fingers on China, Japan, etc., pleading with God for men in these far off places. ‘Lord allow us to serve you some day in each of these places and enable us to reach men for you in everyone of these continents of the world.’ After 42 days they felt the burden lift, and they began to thank God that He had heard them.
“By the time World War II began, Dawson Trotman discovered that in his work with sailors from the Pacific Fleet, men from every one of the 48 states had been touched by his ministry and had visited his home. Jeremiah 33:3 had been partially fulfilled. By the time the war ended four years later, the men he had led to Christ touched other lives on all the continents of the world, including most of the countries for which he had so earnestly prayed. By the time he died 11 years later, Jeremiah 33:3 had been completely fulfilled for him in his ministry. ‘That 42-day prayer meeting,’ he wrote later, ‘was the turning point in my life.'
“As essential as the promise of the Father is the prayers of His children,” admonishes author Andrew Murray. Promises are unlocked with the key of believing prayer. Peter recalls the Words of his Lord and writes, “Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:4). The Holy Spirit links verses of Scripture, through meditation and prayer, to our needs, to people, and to opportunities. A promise from God becomes personalized as we see its potential to change our life. We must then “glue the promise to the problem.”
In Psalm 119: 49, In the midst of affliction the psalmist finds comfort.
Example of Thomas Edison: On his deathbed he was asked what uncertainties do you have afterlife? He said I have no uncertainties but only certainties as I know whom I have believed in and he is capable of Guarding me until that day. His favorite verse was
2 Timothy 1:12
I love God’s promises. His Word is packed with promises to His children. Peter refers to them as exceedingly great and precious. One man counted them and said that there were 7,487 promises in the Word of God. Another said that they were suited for every trial and affliction. There are promises for Husbands, Wives, Families, Nations, Children …Ephesians 6: 2, 3. Some promises are conditional some are not.
Here are a Few that I have listed. But every promise should be claimed and said only in love.
Trial and Affliction (Psalm 70): Before saying this Psalm there were 3 things that Holy Spirit made realize as I said this Psalm when my husband faced a major extortion problem:
1. Accept that all will not accept you.
2. Hurting people will hurt you
3. A person who walks in love is not easily offended.
To all humanity God gave a promise that he would not destroy with water
(Genesis 9: 8 –17) .The rainbow is the token of His promise. Claim it and believe it. But yet we had a Tsunami. To this I would like to give a testimony of people in Indonesia who survived this wave. I read this article on the Internet that in a certain island of Indonesia there were some Christians who were not allowed to celebrate Christmas, as Muslims dominated the community there. These Christians were told that if they wanted to celebrate they had to go up to the hill. However these Christians were eager to celebrate and so went up to the hill and decided to spend the night there. We all know that the Tsunami came next morning and most of the people died on this island except the Christians. Praise the Lord and here we see God faithfulness to His promises.
Those who are weak---------2 Corinthians 12 : 9
Those who are searching ---- Mathew 7: 7
Those in need of forgiveness ---1 John 1: 9
Sudden fears beset you --- Proverbs 3 : 25
There are several promises that are there in the Bible, but these are a few I have chosen. But let me give you another thought concerning God’s promises. Couched with every commandment we will find a promise. When God says keep the Sabbath Holy, (Exodus 20:8) we observe the fruit manifested in our lives.
How do we approach these promises? In faith. There are Thou shall and Thou shall not. He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)
The promises of the Bible are arranged like precious gems, stones, pearls of in-estimable value in God’s cabinet of spiritual jewels which constantly reminds a Christian of His true abiding riches.
Here are a few steps on how to claim God’s promises.
1. Start your day with the Word 2 Corinthians 1: 20 God’s Word is eternal and true.
2. Share the Word and memorize it. As you memorize it you become strong in the Word.
3. Premises: God said His Word would not return empty. The Bible is also God’s will revealed. Find a place where you are comfortable to pray.
4. Steps
a) Know your need
b) Find the promise --- Concordance or a topical index
c) You could pray using the ACTS method
Let us use John 3: 16
• Adoration: Father how great is your love for us.
• Confession: Father, I confess I have not truly appreciated your love for me.
• Thanksgiving: Father, thank you that you loved me so much.
• Supplication: Father help me to love others as you have loved me.
• Submission/ Surrender: Father I surrender to you as Jesus did out of love.
(Personalize by putting the name of the person)
1 Corinthians 2 : 13 This is not what we speak, not in Words of human wisdom but in Words taught by the Spirit expressing spiritual truth in spiritual Words.
Mistakes in Claiming God’s Word
1. Thinking you can name it and Claim it.
2. Desiring the Gift, not the giver
3. Relying on your own Faith (Will power) in repeating the verse not on God’s power and will.
4. Turning the verse into a magic Formula.
Test For the Correct Use of Bible promises
1. Seek God’s will and timing and way
2. Desire to be changed yourself, so that you do God’s will and not have God do a magical formula on your behalf. Amen
Exodus 14:14
2 Chronicles 20:15
Romans 8:31
So do not loose hope God is always with us.