I was without a job for almost a year and was struggling to find a suitable one. I had applied at a firm and was interviewed online in October 2020. For some reason, the post was withheld, and I was told that I will be informed whenever it will be reinitiated. Eventually, after three months, I took up a teaching position at a college. After about two weeks, I got a call for an offline interview from the firm which had withheld the job in Oct 2020 and they checked with me if I could join their office.
I was in a dilemma. I had to choose between my commitment to the college and the job offered by this firm. There was a lot of deliberation from both ends, and the issue had to be resolved. I put up my petition at the prayer group for the grace to help me discern and to make the right decision.
On Wednesday, 10th February, there was a Word of Knowledge that someone will be getting their appointment letter for a job within seven days. On Friday, 12th February, my appointment letter came with all considerations that I don’t have to leave the teaching job at the college for this semester and can work in the office as well, as per my schedule.
All this is not short of a miracle! I believe that God answers prayers and blesses us abundantly! His timing is never wrong! There will always be a way only if we trust God!
I thank the intercessors and the Jesus The Real Vine team for their constant prayers and support always!