St. Peter’s Church, Bandra West Confirmation Students Retreat – 18th & 19th August 2012
With 0 Comments, Category: News,We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1Thes 1:2-3)
It is indeed with deep gratitude, on behalf of all the confirmation animators at St. Peter’s, Bandra, that we recall once again, the marvels the Lord has worked in our confirmandis, who actively participated in the retreat conducted by your group ‘Jesus The Real Vine’on 18th and 19th August 2012 at St. Josephs Convent, Bandra West.’
As in the last three years that our confirmandis have encountered Christ in and through the retreats, this year too, our children had a wonderful experience through the various teachings and the sessions on Repentance, Inner healing and Infilling of the Holy Spirit. Their individual testimonies of the retreat bear witness to this wonderful experience.
We at St. Peter’s Bandra (as also in many parishes) are indeed blessed to have Derick and your team to conduct the Jesus Encounter Retreats for our confirmation children, as they venture out into the world as “Soldiers of Christ”
As we pray for the Holy Spirit to be continually in all our youth, amy your ministry too, grow to greater heights, drawing many more to JESUS.
Thanking you once again
Fr. Andrew Rodrigues
St. Peter’s Church, Bandra West
(Confirmation Priest-in-Charge)
Vanita D’Souza