Homily given by Fr. Anil Pereira SJ
For the past few days, I had a very uncomfortable feeling in my throat. With Covid on the rise everywhere, I was anxious.
During the online prayer session on 22nd May, Bro. Derrick spoke a word of knowledge that two people are healed of throat pain. I claimed this word in faith. The next day onwards, everything was normal.
I thank the Lord for hearing my prayer.
-Ruth Ahmedabad- -
I experienced difficulty in breathing for two days in September. On one of the online prayer meetings on a Wednesday, during the healing prayer led by Bro. Derrick, the breathing difficulties just disappeared.
I was also having chest pain. On one of the Wednesdays in October at the online prayer meeting, I was relieved of the Chest pain when I was participating in the healing prayer session that evening. All glory to God for the healings experienced!
-Prabha Madhavan, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai- -
I had a growth in my underarm for quite some time.
During the online prayer meeting on 11th November 2020, Bro. Derrick gave a word of knowledge that someone having a gland is being healed, and it will disappear during the week.It's now a week. The growth has disappeared.
I Praise and Thank Jesus for this healing!
-Isette, Vile Parle- -
We had requested prayers for the sale of our house to the right buyer. Within six months, we found a good customer. We too have moved into our new home. The entire procedure was slow but smooth, and in the interim, it helped us mentally prepare for our move to a new locality. I am grateful to Jesus the Real Vine prayer group for interceding to God on our behalf. All praise and glory to God for in His time, He does make everything beautiful! I give thanks to the Almighty God for hearing our prayers.
-Rowny – Andheri East- -
I thank and praise God for the countless blessings bestowed on me and my family, through the JTRV Prayer Group. God's word in John 15:5 says ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in Me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing’. I truly believe in this promise.
We were looking for a good match for my niece. I thank and praise God for providing my niece with a marital alliance from a good Catholic boy. Their wedding took place in early October. We felt God's presence with us during the wedding, and all of the ceremonies went off well.
In addition, I thank God for granting my niece a five-year visa to the United Kingdom, which will allow her to join her husband in the country soon. Thank you, Jesus, because, without You, none of this would have been possible.
I am also grateful to Bro. Derrick and the intercessors who prayed for this intention.All praise and glory to God!
-Daisy, Wadala-
Biblical teachings
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Jun 22, 2022 0 Comments -
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