- They miss the best in life
- They anticipate the worst
- They are nervous when things are just perking alongSomeone has said, "worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength"
Things we worry about
(1) People
Loved ones at times become the cause of our worry. Their situations, needs, difficulties, problems, causes us to worry because we love them. For instance My Father used to worry about me and my career since I was a bit weak, But He used to pray regularly, because of those prayers and surrendarance in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am standing here preaching to you all.
(2) Circumstances
How are the difficult circumstances going to turn out ? What is going to be the outcome ? Is the outcome of this situation going to be in my favor ? All these thoughts cumulates for us to worry.
(3) Needs
We all have needs. But there are those who worry whether our needs are going to be met tomorrow or not. But GOD says in Matthew 6:28 "And why worry about clothes ? Look how the wild flowers grow; they do not work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers. It is God who clothes the wild grass - grass that is her today and gone tomorrow, burnt up in the oven. Won't he be all the more sure to clothe you ? How little faith you have."
What happens when we live in worry
(a) We are not able to concentrate on important things of today (distracted)
(b) Our work gets affected : mistakes are made in the job, lack of concentration leads us to do the job improperly
(c) Relationships are affected
We get angry, bitter, resentful because we feel no one cares for us
How to handle worry
(a) Preview : Previewing is the practice of spiritual preparation by which we intentionally remind ourselves of God's presence and promises before we can enter specific situations. Infact give yourself an additional fifteen minutes at the start of the day for previewing. For instance, when my wife was to deliver our 2nd baby. And on the given date there were not labour pains, which could have been a factor of worry for us, but we just previewed the circumstance, We surrendered the whole situation to our GOD, and we felt the peace of GOD fill our souls, My wife delivered the baby within one hour of labour pain on the same night. Praise GOD.
(b) Invite Jesus to walk with you through your day
Look at the day ahead asking yourself "How would this day be different if Jesus was physically present with me. See him alongside with you in your conversations, meetings and activities. How will you behave in your situations in the light of Christ's presence with and through you."( 1 Peter 5:7 Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you)
(c) Surrender yourself and your plans to the Lord ( James 4:13-15 Now listen to me, you that say, "Today or tomorrow we will travel to a certain city, where we will stay a year and go into business and make a lot of money." You don't even know what your life tomorrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a moment and then disappears.)
Our primary goal in this preview is to make ourselves available to GOD. Once I had to go for a Retreat and I was carrying a suitcase which was quite heavy. My friend volunteered to carry the bag. I gave him my baggage and did not worry about the bag. I trusted him that he will take care of the bag. In the same manner we should surrender our plans, our anxieties, our worries to GOD and Trust HIM that He will work something good in return.
(d) Focus on today's plan only
(Matthew 6:34 So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings) Consider what relationship you will be in today at home, work, at school, traveling, shopping. Consider your responsibilities and appointments. What does today hold to the best of your knowledge at this time ?
I want to share this testimony where once a girl called me and asked me to pray for she had lost some of her Important documents. I encouraged her to follow her these 4 four points. When she surrendered the whole situation to the LORD Jesus Christ. She was filled with peace. After 6 months she got back her documents. Till then this drew her close to the LORD Jesus Christ.
Surrendarance shouldn't be the case of this man. There was a man carrying a heavy luggage on the road. A Truck driver took pity and offer him a lift and promises him to leave him on his destination. But after sometime when the truck driver looked through the rear view mirror. He could see the man standing on the truck and carrying the luggage. This irritated the truck driver who offered to carry his burden, but instead this man was carrying the luggage. So the man was told to get down of the truck.