During the Lockdown, I lost my job, and I was on a lookout for a suitable job opportunity in the field of my interest. During my search, I felt dejected and developed low morale. But I had faith in God and pursued in prayers. I then shared my concerns regarding this with Bro Derrick. He and the intercessors prayed for me relentlessly, and finally, I got the desired job on the 22nd of January 2021.
I believe that our heavenly Father watches over us and meets us in our times of need. It is His light which will always dispel the darkness of our path.
I Praise and Thank my Lord Jesus, for blessing me with this job, and I trust that He will equip me to fulfill the responsibilities at work. I also thank Bro. Derrick and my fellow intercessors for their fervent prayers.
Sweta Shingarpure