Build Riches In Heaven

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by  Mr. Carlos D’souza

Luke 12 :
A man come with a request to Jesus to sort out some inheritance problem. He could have been wronged by his brother – who had no sense of natural equity or natural affection.

or he was greedy and wanted to do his brother wrong because as per the law the elder brother got a double portion of the inheritance and therefore came with a request to Jesus to have the property equally divided

Jesus refuses to intervene in this matter. He does not want to be a legislature and alter the existing laws concerning division of properties nor does He want to be a judge and pronounce a verdict in this case. If the man had come with a desire to have heavenly inheritance Jesus would gladly have helped him in his pursuit, as he did in the case of the rich young man (Mk:10:17ff)

Jesus takes this opportunity to caution us about being greedy
Keep an eye upon your heart, lest covetousness engulfs it for we live in a society that is governed by materialism and consumerism. So we want to have and have, more and more and much more. Our greed is more than our needs.

Man’s life does consist in the abundance of things- Yet we run after all the worldly gains
Our happiness does not depend on the amount of wealth we have. Many have abundance of riches but are not happy and contented. Jesus therefore gives us a parable of the life and death of a man and leaves us to judge whether he was a happy man.

His field yielded a bumper harvest and thought to himself. He was so self centered that he could not look or think beyond himself. Instead of thanking God for this abundant blessing he finds himself in a dilemma. He seems to be at a loss full of confusion and anxiety. He is faced with a problem. He has an abundant crop and now wants a place to store it all. He comes up with a plan Verse 18

Problems with the man’ plan :

  • My grains, my goods : fails to recognize that all of it is of God but only lent to him. He is only a steward.
  • Will store all- selfishness to the core - nothing will be shared
  • Will build larger barns as though there was a guarantee of a fruitful harvest next year.
  • Larger barns would not reduce his cares but only increase them.

After the completion of the project he would then say to himself relax, take it easy.
But he failed to realize :

  • One thunder storm would flatten the barn.
  • One small spark of fire could reduce the barn to ashes.
  • One small hole would be enough for rats and moths to make inroads into the barn.
  • With climatic changes, there would be every possibility for decay and rot to set in.

He was keen on enjoying the plenty he had by eating, drinking and making merry. Eat to live and live to eat. It is the same with us…. who has seen tomorrow.

God calls him a fool. He has to give an account tonight when he is thinking of having many years of enjoyment and entertainment. Then whose treasure will all these be?.

Have you ever seen a safe or a coffer following the coffin to the grave?.

What is Jesus calling us to?

  • To watch out and guard ourselves from every kind of greed.
  • Not to be anxious and unnecessarily worried (Luke 12:22ff
  • Do not lay and cling to treasures upon the earth where moth and rust destroys it.(rich young man)
  • To place our trust in Him. Jer 17:7
  • To seek Jesus and His Kingdom above everything else (Mt 6:33) For He is more precious than silver, more costly than gold, more beautiful than diamonds
  • To be rich in God’s sight.

a) Rich in things of God, rich in faith, rich in the fruits of the Spirit, rich in good works of mercy, rich in graces and spiritual gifts.
We are all called to be rich by being the earthen vessels and jars of clay who will hold the treasure Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:7) + 2 Cor 6:6ff.

Hebrews 6:1-2 - Therefore let us go on toward perfection, leaving behind the basic teaching about Christ, and not laying again the foundation: repentance from dead works and faith toward God, instruction about baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.(NRSV).

This is the other group which has remained stuck on the basic principles of the gospel and have not grown in spiritual maturity. I am not saying it is not required but this should not be the only thing of our Christian living. We have to grow. The words milk and meat used by Paul are very interesting. Both contain protein and fat yet the way they are consumed is different. One is drunk and the other is bitten and chewed. We have to get to the level of biting and chewing on the Word of God. New born babies progress from mother’s milk to bottle feeds to drinking in a glass. Additional supplements in the form of fruits and vegetables and meat are given to strengthen them. A few years and they are in school. In KG they are taught English alphabets and 2, 3 and 4 letter words, small simple sentences to form their thoughts but they will learn English even when they go to college. Does that mean they will keep learning only 2, 3 and 4 letter words? Will they not be learning grammar, composition and so many other things? They continue to drink milk but solid food has overtaken the milk component. If that be the case in the natural why does that not happen in the spiritual? Children have been gaining strength to reach adulthood and adults will continue to gain strength in different areas.

Friends we continue to like stories of God. Kids love stories. Over the last few months I have been telling my four year old son stories of God. In a homily or talk, a story is given to explain the Word of God, we take home the story, the Word of God is forgotten. Do a check for yourselves – what have we shared at home after a service – story, example, testimony or the Word of God? If scripture is quoted – we say “it is boring”, “it is too much”, “I cannot understand…” We know how to operate the latest cellphones, the latest gadgets. We find all possible information on how to operate it. Do we do that with the Word of God?

I am sure by now you must be getting impatient to know what then is the power of God? To put it in simple text the power of the Word of God is the POWER OF YOUR WORDS. The power of the Word of God is the SPOKEN WORD OF GOD. There is the ‘LOGOS’ which is the written Word of God and there is the ‘RHEMA’ which is the spoken Word of God. Rhema can be understood in two ways: -

  •  Scripture speaking to us and
  •  We speaking the scripture/ claiming the promises

The written word remains powerless until it is spoken. The Bible will other wise just be another book.

As I mentioned at the beginning through reading and meditating you gain strength in the Word of God but it is in its speaking that you demonstrate the power of the Word of God. We have to get to the level where we can demonstrate the power of the Word of God. My definition of power – it is the ability to act or produce an effect. Our action is to speak the Word of God. This brings us to the question - power is for whom infants or adults? Surely ADULTS. And that is why I quoted Heb 5:12. For long we have remained on milk – somebody feeding us; we have to learn to feed ourselves so that we may grow and be capable of feeding others. And that is why Paul says for by now you ought to be teachers. A teacher is in the unique privilege of speaking God’s word, God’s promises continuously, repeatedly. The teacher achieves two things – blessing others and blessing self. Into situations that arise around us, we are to speak God’s Word and promises. A few examples here:


MAN/WOMAN: "It's impossible"
GOD: All things are possible (Luke18:27)

MAN/WOMAN: "I can't figure things out"
GOD: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3: 5-6)

MAN/WOMAN: "I can't manage"
GOD: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19)

MAN/WOMAN: "I'm afraid"
GOD: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)

MAN/WOMAN: "I feel all alone"
God: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

Friends, we need to speak such promises every time we feel threatened or attacked or fearful. We have to agree with the promises in God’s word. The strength that you have gained in meditating on the Word is to be put into action. Matthew 18:19 - if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.(NRSV). Can two people agree without having told the other? Here in God’s word, God has already spoken and He needs one more person to agree with Him. Can you and I be the one person and see the power of the Word of God?

In the early 90’s when we used computers there was a WYSIWYG mode. The same is applicable here - What You Say Is What You Get. If faith is lacking then we will fail to see the power of the Word of God in our lives. What happens when I speak the Word of God or how should I apply the word to situations? Some of us apply it freely. For example, we may say Lord there is this person who is troubling me. Lord you said in your word it will be given pressed down, shaken together and overflowing, Lord the trouble he/she is giving me, let him/her receive it in the same measure. No this is not to be the case.

The Word of God is to be applied or spoken for two purposes: FOR and AGAINST. The ‘for’ is for blessing people and the ‘against’ is for the enemy – the spiritual enemy. “Lord I have this person who is troubling me, you expect me to bless. No way!”. “Lord, I will not curse but I will keep my mouth shut”. Listen to what the Bible has to say in Eph 6:12 - For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. For long we have considered people as our enemy but this scripture tells us where to look – it is not humans but the forces of darkness that are causing us this trouble. The evil one is using people close to us to torment us and we direct our anger against people.

Look at Jesus – initially He was tempted by Satan directly but then by people close to Him. Matthew 16:23 - But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, satan! Did Jesus hit out at Peter – “No” John 13:27 - After he received the piece of bread, satan entered into him. Jesus said to him, "Do quickly what you are going to do."(NRSV). Jesus knew the root cause of the problem. He did not condemn humans. When Jesus was tempted by satan, Jesus responded thrice – it is written, it is written, it is written. Jesus ‘SPOKE’ the words from scriptures and won the battle. So it is to be with us.

How then is the power manifested? Just to remind once again it is the evil one who is using the person, sometimes even our near and dear ones, to oppress us. But as you begin to speak the Word of God, as you begin to bless the person, the boundaries of the evil one are continuously pushed back to elimination. You receive more grace and strength from the Lord. You end up with two gains – first is your problem is sorted out and you are happy and the second is you have prepared / won a soul for Christ .

Even if the situation be your own personal problem or doubts, satan will continuously try to remind you of it but we have to fight back speaking blessings for ourselves and pushing back the boundaries of darkness. When we curse or keep our mouth shut we are not operating in the power of the Word of God. When we do this the reverse happens, the powers of darkness begin to take control of our lives and we become a lost soul. The application of this power is not once in a way but continually. Eph 6:17 -Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (NRSV). This verse tells us to take the sword, not keep it. Today we do not step out without our cellphones. Wherever we go, when going to bed it is with us. The same it is to be with the Word of God. This sword is not something that will be in its sheath or in our hand, it is always to be in our mouths ready for battle. This sword operates from the mouth. It is the power of your word, the power of God’s word. Revelation 1:16 - In his right hand he held seven stars, and from his mouth came a sharp, two-edged sword.

Incidentally, coincidentally, providentially the alphabet ‘s’ is added to the word ‘word’ to make it sword. We can denote S for the ‘Spirit’. It is to be a Spirited-Word. The power of the Spirit cannot be separated from the Word. Together is what makes it a lethal combination.

I am sure you will all agree with me if I say a Christian is a man of peace but this is what I have to add tonight, a Christian is a man of peace and a man of war – peace with man and God and at war with the powers of darkness. Today Christianity is exactly the opposite – we are at peace with the enemy and at war with man and God. We have taken the love your enemy teaching to the wrong camp. This is the reason why we fail to experience the power of God. Hebrews 4:12 - Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.(NRSV). Yes indeed this sword of the Spirit is a two-edged sword. The Word of God brings judgment as well as salvation; bring death or life. To bring it into relevance with my talk this two-edged sword is to bless people and to attack the enemy.

Every month or two, I have the opportunity of repeating the talks at outreaches or prayer groups thereby reinforcing the word and thereby its power. Some of you may say I have the privilege of using the platform. All of us here are called and privileged to speak God’s word. What was the message Jesus gave after His resurrection to the apostles – go proclaim the good news. He wanted to demonstrate the power of His Word as well as bless you and me. As I mentioned earlier, Paul says in Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation.

What is the prayer we make before receiving Holy Communion at Mass? “Only say the Word and I will be healed”. God has already said the word, we have to agree to that word by speaking it and victory, healing, deliverance, wisdom is ours! This is victorious Christian living. Mark 11:23 - Truly I tell you, if you SAY to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you.(NRSV). Recall what Mary SAID: May it be done to me according to Your word. She was agreeing with the Lord’s work to make it happen. A few days back as I woke up I uttered these words of Mary. I do not know why I uttered it but I restated these words. Just to tell the Lord I am with your plan. In every prayer we make – petition or intercession, speak the promises of God into the situation. Say and sow the word. In witnessing, use the power of the Word of God which can cut through soul and spirit. The enemy is continuously shooting arrows at us and we have to fight back not with our thinking but with power from the Word of God. The power of the Word of God is the power of the spoken Word of God. Amen.

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