Be like Jesus

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by  Mr. Carlos D'Souza

St. Paul in his letter to the Romans 8:29 “For those whom he fore knew, He also predestined to be conformed into the image of His Son Jesus. God desires that all of us His children look more and more like His Son Jesus. Indeed we are all created in the image and likeness of God himself. St. Augustine writes “God became man so that man could become like God.”

How can you and I be like Jesus?

Phil 2:6-8

A. Though Jesus was in the form of God, He did not count himself equality with God a thing to be grasped. He did not think too highly of himself. St Paul urges us to do the same Romans 12:3 for by grace given to me, I say to everyone among you not to think of your self more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgement.

-Jesus did not take advantage of His position as the Son of God. Nowadays many sons take advantage just because they are sons of a top police officer or a minister. They do whatever they want thinking they will go free. Their fathers with their influence will bail them out of trouble.

B.Jesus emptied himself. He relinquished something or rather everything He had. He calls us to do the same. Luke 9:23 If you want to be my followers you must deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow me. This is a day in day out process. Experiencing the death of Jesus so that we can also experience His resurrection.

C.Jesus took the form of a slave. A slave in New Testament times did not possess anything. He had no rights and previleges. He could not demand any facilities or form a union. He did not even possess a name. He was called the slave of so and so.. Jesus identifies himself with a slave Luke 22:24-27; Mark 10:41-45. Jesus says whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant. The first among you must be the slave of all. The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for all. Total renunciation of honor, power and riches.

D.Jesus humbled himself. Being the Son of God Jesus would say I can do nothing on my own authority. I judge only as God tells me John 5:30. He invites us to learn from Him for He is gentle and humble of heart. The prophet Isaiah tells us that God is on the look out for a person who is humble and contrite of heart and trembles at His Word. Isaiah 66:2. St Paul instructs us to do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit but in humility to regards others better than yourself. Ph 2:3

E.Jesus was obedient both in life and even unto death. As a young boy of twelve he was obedient to his earthly parents. Luke 2:51. Today, many young people find it so difficult to obey and honor their parents. Jesus was also obedient to his heavenly Father. I have come not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me, John 5:30. Jesus always operated within the frame work of His Fathers will. He did everything that pleased His Father. His eyes were always upon His Father. Truly, truly I say unto you the Son can do nothing of His own accord but only what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise. My food is to do the will of Him who sent me John 4:34.

F. Jesus was a man of prayer. He spent time with his Father. Mark 6:45-46. Being in the presence of our Father influences our lives Jesus invited His disciples to come away to a lonely place and rest a while with Him Mark 6:31

G. Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit. He therefore always and everywhere manifested the fruit of the Spirit in His life.. The fruit of the Spirit is nothing but the nature and the character of Jesus seen in the life of a Christian. The more the fruit of the Spirit are seen in our lives the more we become like Jesus.

The Charismatic renewal is all about becoming more and more like Jesus. It involves a radical and a dynamic change of our lives. It is the renewal of our character and life style. So that when the Father looks down on us He will see the image of His Son Jesus in our lives and will say You are my beloved son/daughter in your I am well pleased.

Lord make me like You, please make me like You, You are a servant, make me one too.
O Lord God, you give me, your strength every day. To build a community, To follow your way.

To be like Jesus (2) all I ask to be like him. Not in a measure but in its fullness. All I ask to be like Him.

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